The core of our program is based on developing the four main principles of the game. Technical, Tactical, Mental and Physical. Technical is HOW the ball is hit. We teach how to break each shot from start to finish, applying scientific principles to do it correctly. Tactical is WHEN and WHERE the ball is hit. Where to play the ball, based on your strengths and opponent’s weaknesses, at the right time, keeping your errors to a minimum. You want to play to the spot where your opponent doesn’t like to hit. Having the right Mentality is an ATTITUDE. Our students learn how to deal with their emotions and not be managed by them, how to be tough mentally and always produce a fighting image on the court. A player must learn different and complex footwork, agility, balance, hand-eye coordination and breathing skills in order to become Physically faster, stronger and ready to COMPETE.

The core of our program is based on developing the four main principles of the game. Technical, Tactical, Mental and Physical. Technical is HOW the ball is hit. We teach how to break each shot from start to finish, applying scientific principles to do it correctly. Tactical is WHEN and WHERE the ball is hit. Where to play the ball, based on your strengths and opponent’s weaknesses, at the right time, keeping your errors to a minimum. You want to play to the spot where your opponent doesn’t like to hit. Having the right Mentality is an ATTITUDE. Our students learn how to deal with their emotions and not be managed by them, how to be tough mentally and always produce a fighting image on the court. A player must learn different and complex footwork, agility, balance, hand-eye coordination and breathing skills in order to become Physically faster, stronger and ready to COMPETE.

At Spadoni Tennis Academy, we share a common purpose when it
comes to teaching. Our values go beyond tennis; they are about nurturing
character in young athletes. We hold ourselves to the highest
standards as role models because we believe that if we expect our
students to give their best, we must lead by example.
We are responsible for their education, both on and off the court.
Playing a sport teaches self-discipline, self-reflection, punctuality,
preparation, integrity, resilience in the face of adversity and gratitude
for the opportunity to play tennis. We prioritize our students’ interests,
emphasizing academics and holistic development. This commitment
to excellence in customer service sets Spadoni Tennis Academy apart from the rest of the industry.
We want to create an academy that stays true to its values and produces first quality men and women, then great athletes who can respond well to national and international competition’s current and future challenges. We are dedicated to raising the standard of the sport by producing well-rounded players with well-rounded personalities. We focus on instilling the basic skills in young and older passionate players who are just starting in their careers, or already well-established at national and international levels, so they can become the best version of themselves according to their goals.